Dec 3, 2007

Right Place, Right Time

I’ve been a bit behind on my blog this fall, but nothing like getting asked to be on Paulo Coelho’s blog to get me back to it (check it out!) What an amazing gift! Here I am, starting out this year, trying to get the word out about who I am and what I do as Ceremonialist. To be offered this kind of connection by someone I admire so much is totally heartening, amazingly supportive and just what I need.

So I got to thinking about who has helped me get to this point where I can be in the right place at the right time in this way. There have been many guides in my life to whom I owe a great deal, and one of the most inspiring to me has been my teacher for the past 7 years, Kathleen Leeson, RH.

Kathleen is a Shamanic Healer and Clinical Herbalist who works in Ottawa. I started seeing her in one-on-one appointments years ago when I was sick with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. As I began recovering, I started taking herbal courses with her to learn about the incredible plants that were aiding me in transforming my health. The Wisdom Of Plants Herbal Apprenticeship Program taught about both the physical and spiritual healing of Nature's green beings. After several years, Kathleen created a 4-year Intensive Program about finding your Life’s Purpose and learning how to fulfill upon it. I am graduating this year, having accepted my Soul Contract as Ceremonialist and having spent this time learning not only about Ceremony but also about how to engage with my own energies especially discerning when I am in the flow of co-creative energies or coming from destructive energies. In this way I have become adept at my own Conscious Process and come through where I need to be on my own behalf and in service to the Whole.

I believe that teachers and guides appear to us when we are truly seeking them. Looking back over my time as Kathleen’s student and seeing how transformed my life is from where I started, I know that Kathleen has been exactly the right Teacher for me. Kathleen is so real, so committed to Wholeness, Healing and Transformation that no matter what challenges I have faced, she has lovingly held me in the Truth until I learned how to do it for myself. That, my friends, is a Teacher. May we all be so fortunate and may we all come to embody and share our lessons, for the benefit of the Whole and the next seven generations.

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