If you are going through a particularly challenging or intense personal experience, or are preparing for one, I may be able to offer support for you.
To give an example, I was recently contacted by a woman preparing to undergo fertility treatments. She had been to a previous ceremony I had led and was inspired to seek ceremony as a way of engaging in this process.
When she called, we discussed what was going on for her – what she had done to this point, as well as where she was at now, her fears, anxieties, hopes, visions of the future, and so on.
I offered to do a Shamanic Journey on her behalf to ask: “What could she do to ritually prepare herself for the treatments ahead, so that she could become the most present and receptive for the insemination(s)?”
When we next met, I came to her home and together we set up an altar space, which would act as a focal point for her conscious engagement with the process of conceiving a baby. As well, she was offered a daily grounding exercise and a meditative process to get to know the Truths of her body as she took the fertility drugs in preparation for the insemination. She was also offered a particular grounding exercise and a particular ritual for the day of the insemination that would allow her to be present and engaged with her body and the procedures of the day.
All of this was specifically designed for her, and not only did I visit her home to set up the altar and explain the vision I was given on her behalf, but I also gave her a copy of the personal guidance, with a possibility of following up with me, if she needed to do so.
From my client:
“I want to thank you for all your input last night. I think it has really jumpstarted an important process for me.”
And, in fact, we have had further consultations about how to use ceremony and ritual to help her as she moved into her first house as well.
We can all use ceremony or ritual as a tool of personal development. From a Ceremonialist’s perspective, I see that it is not only what challenges we choose or are presented with but how we choose to approach these challenges that create a life of happiness and fulfillment.
From big physical challenges of becoming a parent or moving, to more subtle life challenges such as preparing yourself to date at mid-life or exploring your life’s purpose, ceremony can be a wonderful aid. I would be thrilled to help others use these same tools of ceremony that have been used since the dawn of civilization to rise to the challenges of a life well lived.